segunda-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2016


La "nuvola del colore" - Preparare la "cloud" dei termini che costituiscono l'arcipelago delle parole attinenti al colore in esame, spaziando anche in lingue differenti. Elementi di questa "nuvola" devono essere i sostantivi e gli aggettivi che definiscono il colore nelle sue differenti caratteristiche (lucentezza, opacità, durezza, freddezza, ...) che permettono di meglio identificarlo, anche per eventuali ricerche sul Web

Turquese Perla Mistica is exactly what the name suggests, a colour that is mysterious, no one knows what to call, blue or green. It's a perfect mix of both!
Turquoise is mostly related to Espirituality and Mind Health, but it's also a symbol of Purification and Creativity. It makes the direct connection between body and mind. The union of the two colors (green and blue) brings us peace, harmony and balance.
I think the key words that can describe this colour are:



I protagonisti - Presentare i personaggi (storici) del passato (e del presente) che si legano al colore dell'indagine, si definisca il loro ruolo nella storia del colore, in senso lato

Tutankhamun is the most famous of the Egyptian pharaohs. His fame is due precisely to the fact that his tomb was discovered in 1922, virtually intact: it was full of wonderful objects and very precious, extraordinary thing, because the tombs of pharaohs earlier discoveries were almost always remains, because the riches a once contained had been robbed over the centuries and dispersed.
I this he's the personality that most fits in the Turquoise because of the Egyptian culture that i talked in older posts. That says that he used a lot of furniture with Turquoise gemstones.



Un documento - Cercare un documento, nella sua accezione più completa, che tratti specificamente ed esattamente il colore della propria indagine.

 Sky Blue Stone: The Turquoise Trade in World History



Un colore "selvaggio" - Tenendo presente le considerazioni di base sul "pensiero selvaggio" che emergono dalla lettura del saggio di Claude Lévi Strauss cercare di identificare la dimensione primitiva del proprio colore associandola al rapporto materialità dell'oggetto / nome dell'oggetto. A tale proposito si legga il capitolo "la logica delle classificazioni totemiche" nel Pensiero selvaggio di Claude Lévi Strauss

According to the post that the teacher gave to us for explanation/inspiration: my color is Turchese Perla Mistica, a combination of blue and green, according to the table in the post blue/green corresponde to Sud-Ovest (in the map corresponde to South America) so i choose the most "wild" place on earth, the Amazonia.

And in the same order of thoughts, i choose another "personaggio selvaggio", that is a bug witg turquoise colours that lives only in Amazonia.
Edessa rufomarginata (or Red-browed bug) is a species of bugs of the family Pentatomidae. Is an oval bug with an almost triangular corselet. The top is turquoise with a orange rim and from below is yellow with black stripes. The antennae divided into five articles of the same size and the legs are reddish.



Il colore in architettura
a) Cercare un'opera architettonica che si identifichi nel colore in esame
b) Cercare una presenza del colore in esame in un trattato di architettura, ovvero in una rivista di architettura

The colour Turquoise is immensely present in Islamic Architectture.Throughout their history, Islamic Artists have developed simple geometry into a complex layering of patterns with subtle use of colours, tones and positive/negative space to create sophisticated optical effects. This Art form shows a preoccupation with repetition, rotation, symmetry, and infinite extendable patterns. These patterns are often framed but repeated at different scales throughout buildings, visually consolidating the whole. This approach shows perhaps an appreciation of the fractal organisation of the natural world.

Places represented:
Isfahan, Iran              Bibi-Khanym Mosque              Friday Mosque, Herat, Afghanistan              Muqarnas

Islamic Architecture in Cairo: An Introduction

Behrens-Abouseif, Doris. 1989. Islamic Architecture in Cairo: An Introduction. Leiden; New York: E.J. Brill

Doris Behrens-Abouseif's introduction to Cairo's Islamic architecture surveys the major monuments spanning the Tulunid, Fatimid, Ayyubid, Mamluk and Ottoman periods. In her effort to provide a well-studied key to the profusion of monuments that form what UNESCO has listed as one of the "Cities of Human Heritage," Behrens-Abouseif identifies Cairo's significant architectural developments in an easy to follow, chronological format. Appended to each site description are bibliographic entries, further enhancing the value of this book as a research tool. 





I colori nella moda - Con riferimento alla storia del costume e della moda identificare un abito che metta in risalto il colore del proprio approfondimento. scrivere un breve commento sulla fonte documentaria dell'immagine scelta, corredandolo di una nota sul contesto storico, sull'autore/designer/sarto e sull'eventuale tipologia del materiale tessile utilizzato

In continue of the oldest posts, we already know that the colour Turquoise was associeted to many cultures in the world. It was used principaly by the Egyptian culture in jewelry to adorn the most rich persons and, of course, protect them.


In 2010, Turquoise was named 'The colour of the year' for the Winter session.
“In many cultures, Turquoise occupies a very special position in the world of color. It is believed to be a protective talisman, a color of deep compassion and healing, and a color of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky. Through years of color word-association studies, we also find that Turquoise represents an escape to many – taking them to a tropical paradise that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy.”    -    Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®




Le arti pittoriche - Identificare un dipinto in cui primeggi il colore dell'indagine

Andy Warhol, Green Coca-Cola Bottles, 1962, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York City

Material: Oil on Canvas
Dimensions: 209.55 x 144.78 cm

In 1962, Pittsburgh native, Andy Warhol, created a piece that he entitled Green Coca- Cola Bottles. This painting is composed of 112 empty green glass bottles of Coca Cola, lined up into 7 rows of 16. These bottles are set on a white background. Furthermore, at the very bottom of the canvas there is the coca cola logo that is perfectly centered. Moreover, the space in Warhol’s piece is mostly taken up by the empty green glass bottles. However, the entire negative space in between and around the bottles allow the eye to travel through the work. In this work, there is no movement due to the static repetition of the bottles. The manner in which these bottles are placed, in rows, structure the way the viewer will admire the piece. The eye will follow the rows from left to right and from top to bottom. However, the visual path tends to break when our eye comes into contact with a lighter coloured bottle. Also, the order and structure of this piece is a display of balance. In addition, there is a high visual contrast, between the crisp white background and the cleanly traced green strokes of the empty iconic glass bottle. In fact, the green and white also compliment and intensify the red logo. To further this analysis, one can associate the dark green colour with money and the bright red Coca Cola logo as a symbol of power. In tail, the mood evoked from this piece is more of a message toward the viewer of money and power. This artwork comes across mostly as an advertisement, which representative of the Pop Art movement.
Information about the art work in the museum site:



Nei brevetti

To the research of a patent i choose 'Turquoise scrubber'.Comprising a base and a casing upstanding from the base and having closed and open ends. A motor driven shaft extends through the casing centrally thereof and is journalled in supports upstanding from the base.
The present invention has to do with a machine for scrubbing turquoise to remove a gel which collects thereon as an incident to chemical treatment of the turquoise for conditioning purposes and is concerned primarily with such a scrubber which may be operated with a high degree of safety to personnel and also with a high degree of efficiency.

Code: US 3974538 A




Nel Design - Il colore è parte essenziale degli oggetti di design. Identificarne uno del colore assegnato e tracciarne una breve storia


Tropicalia’s design is based on that of Antibodi but features plaiting. The collection is composed of a chaise longue, armchair, chair with armrests, chair, outdoor bed and a swinging nest. The geometric frame of faceted steel tubing is covered with a skilful composition of plaiting, alternating solids and voids according to a precise pattern and displaying a meticulous eye for detail.

by Patricia Urquiola

Patricia Urquiola (Oviedo, 1961) è una designer spagnola.

Patricia Urquiola ha ricevuto i seguenti riconoscimenti:
  • Design Prize Best System Award (2003)
  • Designer dell'anno secondo Elle Decor (2003, 2005, 2007 e 2008)
  • Good Design Award per Lighting (2004)
  • Red Dot Design Award (2005)
  • Designer dell'anno secondo Wallpaper (2006)
  • Designer dell'anno secondo AD Spain (2008)
  • Designer del decennio 2000-2010 secondo Home e Häuser



Chimica - Indicare i riferimenti chimici del colore oggetto della ricerca , indicando le formule dei pigmenti sia naturali sia artificiali

As a gem:

Turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium.

 As a pigment:

Cu3 (AsO4)2 * 4H2O

Pigment: chemical compounds, more or less complex composition, that the finely divided state are able to impart opacity and a certain color in a paint product or in a manufactured product in which they are incorporated. A fundamental characteristic of the pigments which distinguishes them from dyes, is their insolubility in the solvents, in vehicles or in the medium in which are dispersed.

The pigment color that compares the best to my color is the one named "Verde Veronese".




Pubblicità - Identificare un manifesto pubblicitario in cui emerga il colore assegnato. Utilizzare preferibilmente le pubblicità sui giornali e in genere sui periodici o sui cartelloni stradali.

Enel Energia pubblicità con paracadutista foglie e vento - Spot pubblicitario di Novembre 2016


Tame - Fly company - Campain "Fly Equador"

Banca BPN


domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2016



 Comics from Marvel



I colori nella scienza - Indicare come il colore assegnato è entrato nella storia della scienza. Si suggerisce di investigare i trattati di fisica

Like i said in the previous posts, the colour Turquoise cames from a mix of blue and green, so i can start to analise the first aperance of blue in the science world. That's related to the big question: "Why the sky is blue?"
The answer:
"The sky is blue not because the atmosphere absorbs the other colors, but because the atmosphere tends to scatter shorter wavelength (blue) light to a greater extent than longer wavelength (red) light. Blue light from the sun is scattered every which way, much more so than the other colors, so when you look up at the daytime sky you see blue no matter where you look. This scattering is called 'Rayleigh scattering'; the amount of scattering goes as the frequency of the light to the 4th power."

The dark side of the moon is Turquoise, say astronomers

In a demonstration of the power of science to ruin a perfectly respectable work of art, researchers have discovered the colour of the dark side of the moon.
Measurements from a telescope in Hawaii mean that pedants may now argue that, technically speaking, if one wanted to be entirely accurate, the side of the moon referred to in Pink Floyd's 1973 album The Dark Side of the Moon should really be described as "turquoise".
The revelation comes from two years of measurements by an international team of astronomers who installed a telescope and a sensitive camera at the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii, run by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"Astronauts standing on the moon and looking up at the Earth described it as a blue marble," said Thejll. "Having not been into space myself, I don't know what they meant exactly, but once that blue light strikes the moon's surface, it shifts to a blue-green colour. We can call it turquoise."



In cucina - Cercare e trovare la presenza del proprio colore in un cibo, in un piatto, in una presenza gastronomica

There's no food with the original colour Turquoise, the products that are more similar to this  colour are come foods that contain Mint. What i found more are food products that has been modified their own colour with food colouring.


Emblemi - Cercare un emblema, un logo, uno stemma, un brand che esalti il colore personale.
Spiegarne brevemente le motivazioni senza ricadere nello spot pubblicitario.




A come adornment
B come balance
C come creativity
D come Dahlia
E come empathy
F come fortune
G come guard
H come healing
I come immortality
J come jewelry
K come knowledge
L come luck
N come neutrality
O come ocean
P come protection
Q come
R come refletion
S come spirit
T come Thailand
U come uplifting
V come vanity
X come
W come wisdom
Y come
Z come zen



I colori nel cinema - I colori nel cinema: il colore può diventare parte di un titolo, caratteristica dello sfondo o anche solo un semplice componente della palette.

The film I choose for this step is 'Avatar' by James Cameron. This movie is all about the same colour: Blue. All of the caracters have the same blue skin tone and the ladscapes portrayed throughtout the movie are almost all with a palette of turquoise.

                                  Principal Character                                                 Principal Cenario                                                      Flourescent Animals 
                                              Neytiri                                                                               Forest                                                                             Bird/Dinosaur


segunda-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2016


I colori nella musica - Indicare la presenza del proprio colore (o affini) nella musica pop e rock allegando il testo delle canzoni, i link nel web e se possibile il link al file audio/video.

I choose the music 'Turquoise' by Joan Baez (originally writen by Donovan). I choose it, first because the title of the music is my colour, and then because this music remind me the nature, a couple in love lost in a park, near a green river with a pretty blue sky.


Your smile - beams like sunlight - on a gull's wing
And the leaves - dance and play - after you
Take my hand - and hold it - as you would a flower
Take care with my heart - oh darling - she's made of glass

Your eyes - feel like silence - resting on me
And the birds - cease to sing - when you rise
Ride easy - your fairy stallion - you have mounted
Take care how you fly - my precious - you might fall down

In the pastel skies - the sunset - I have wandered
With my eyes and ears and heart - strained to the full
I know I tasted the essence - in the few days
Take care who you love - my precious - he might not know



I colori nel mito - Con riferimento al proprio colore, eventualmente allargandone il campo a colori prossimi, ma sempre rispettandone il focus, si cerchino le presenze cromatiche nei miti dei popoli antichi, non solamente in quelli del mondo greco e latino.

The colour Turquese Mystic Pearl relates immediately to the stone itself. This stone was really popular in the accient people, more specifically in Turkey, Persia and Egypt. Almost all of them believed that the turquoise was powerful metaphysical properties but every which of them had specific and different meaning related to this stone.

-The Turks called it a fortune.
-The Egyptians and Greeks venerated it as a jewel and healing stone, which has the capacity to protect the body from all evil and an unnatural death.
-For the Indians, the Turquoises were holy stones that unite the sky and the sea to protect the man from the evil spirits.

In general, worldwide, it is belived to provide commecial success, protect against accidents and transmits safety. It is also associated with beauty and strenght.


quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2016


Relativamente al proprio colore ogni studente ne identifichi le codifiche di classificazione non solo con riferimento ai codici già indicati nel link e su Wikipedia ma anche facendo riferimento ai cataloghi presentati in un precedente post e ad altri individuati nelle bibliografie, in rete o in altri repertori. 

HEX: #32C6A6

RGB decimal: (50, 198, 166)

RGB percent: (19.6%, 77.6%, 65.1%)
HSV: (167º, 75%, 78%)

HSL: (167º, 60%, 49%)

CMYK: (75%, 0%, 16%, 22%)

Color description: Moderate cyan
Web Safe: #33cc99

CIE-LAB: 72.106, -45.537, 5.131

XYZ: 28.39 , 43.817, 43.036

xyZ: 0.246, 0.38, 43.817

CIE-LCH: 72.106, 45.825, 173.57

CIE-LUV: 72.106, -54.799, 14.697

Hunter-Lab: 66.194, -39.283, 7.789

Binary: 00110010, 11000110, 10100110


terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2016


Indicare la traduzione del nome del colore nel maggior numero di lingue straniere, non dimenticando se possibile anche il latino o altre lingue morte

Colletion of languages acquired with the help of Google Translator. Here is all of the languages that I could find for the translation of "Turquese Perla Mistica".


AFRIKAANS- turkoois pêrel mistieke
ALBANESE- mystic bruz perla 
ALEMÃO- Türkisfarbener Perle Mystiker
AMÁRICO- በሉር ዕንቁ ሚስጥራዊ  (beluri ‘inik’u mīsit’irawī)
ÁRABE- لؤلؤة الفيروز الصوفي  (liwuliwat alfayaruz alssawfi)
ARMÉNIO- փիրուզագույն մարգարիտ միստիկ  (p’iruzaguyn margarit mistik)
AZERBEIJANO- firuzəyi pearl mistik


BENGALI-  ফিরোজা মুক্তা অতীন্দ্রিয়  (Phirōjā muktā atīndriẏa)
BIELO-RUSSO- бірузовы жамчужына містыка  (biruzovy žamčužyna mistyka)
BIRMANÊS- စိမ်းပုလဲများ၏  (hcaim pulell myarreat)
BÚLGARO- тюркоаз перла мистик  (tyurkoaz perla mistik)


CANARÊS- ವೈಡೂರ್ಯದ ಮುತ್ತು ಅತೀಂದ್ರಿಯ  (Vaiḍūryada muttu atīndriya)
CHICHEUA- nofeki ngale lachinsinsi
CHINÊS- 綠松石珍珠神秘  (Lǜ sōngshí zhēnzhū shénmì)
CHONA- samaragidhino parera husinganzwisisiki
CINGALÊS- පච්ච මුතු ගුප්ත
COREANO- 터키석 진주 신비주의  (teokiseog jinju sinbijuui)
CROATA- tirkizno biser mistik


DINAMARQUÊS- turkis perle mystiker


ESLOVACO- tyrkysová perla mystik
ESLOVENO- turkizna biser mistik
ESPANHOL- Perla turquesa mística
ESTONIANO- türkiissinise pärliga müstik


FILANDÊS- turkoosi helmi mystinen
FRANCÊS- Perle turquoise mystique
FRÍSIO- turquoise pearl mystikus


GALÊS- cyfrinydd perlog turquoise
GREGO- τυρκουάζ μαργαριτάρι μυστικιστικό  (tyrkouáz margaritári mystikistikó)


HAVAIANO- 'ōmaʻomaʻo momi nani
HINDI- फ़िरोज़ा मोती रहस्यवादी  (firoza motee rahasyavaadee)
HOLANDÊS- turkoois parel mysticus
HÚNGARO- türkiz gyöngy misztikus


INDONESIANO- Turquoise mutiara mistik
ISLANDESE- Turquoise dulspekingur perlu


JAPONÊS- ターコイズミスティックパール  (Tākoizumisutikkupāru)
JAVANÊS- Pirus Pearl mistik


LATIM- Et carbunculus Pearl mystici
LITUANO- Turkis Perlas mistinis
LUXEMBURGUÊS- Türkisblo mystic Pärelen


MACEDÔNIO- Тиркизна мистик бисер  (Tirkizna mistik biser)
MALAIALA- ഹരിതനീലിമയിലുള്ള നിഗൂഢ മുത്ത്  (haritanīlimayiluḷḷa nigūḍha mutt)
MALAIO- mutiara mistik Turquoise
MALGAXE- Robina mahagaga vatosoa
MAORI- Kārikirangi peara mystic
MARATA- नीलमणी गूढ मोती  (Nīlamaṇī gūḍha mōtī)


NEPALÊS- फिरोजा रहस्यवादी मोती  (Phirōjā rahasyavādī mōtī)
NOROEGUÊS- Turkis mystisk perle


PERSA- مروارید عارف فیروزه ای
POLONÊS- Turkusowa Mystic pearl
PORTUGUÊS- Turquesa Pérola Mística
PUNJABI- ਫਿਰੋਜ਼ੀ ਰਹੱਸਵਾਦੀ ਮੋਤੀ  (Phirōzī rahasavādī mōtī)


ROMENO- perla mistic turcoaz
RUSSO- Бирюзовый мистика жемчуг  (Biryuzovyy mistika zhemchug)


SÉRVIO- Тиркиз мистик бисер  (Tirkiz mistik biser)
SESSOTO- Turquoise mohlolo perela
SINDI- فيروز صوفيء موتي
SOMALI- ahaaba wuxuu ahaa sumurud dhuur
SUECO- turkos mystisk pärla
SUNDANÊS- pirus mutiara mystic


TADJIQUE- марворид асроромезе  (marvorid asroromeze turquoise)
TAILANDÊS- มุกลึกลับสีเขียวขุ่น  (Muk lụklạb s̄ī k̄heīyw k̄hùn)
TÂMIL- ரத்தின மறைபொருள் முத்து  (Rattiṉa maṟaiporuḷ muttu)
TCHECO- tyrkysový mystický perlá
TELUGO- మణి మార్మిక పెర్ల్  (Maṇi mārmika perl)
TURCO- Turkuaz mistik inci


UCRANIANO- бірюзовий містика перли  (biryuzovyy mistyka perly)
URDU- فیروزی صوفیانہ موتی
UZBEQUE- Turkuaz tasavvuf inju


VIETNAMITA- ngọc thần bí màu ngọc lam


XHOSA- iperile nekarbhunkolo eyimfihlelo


ZULU- oluluhlaza pearl obuyimfihlo